Continuing Education for Nurses
Like your healthcare career, the field of nursing is ever changing, which is why it is so important to learn new methods and continue your education.
CEUs, or Continuing Education Units, are necessary for nurses to stay up to date and maintain their licensure. Each state has their own requirements for CEUs, so be sure to pay attention to which states you hold licenses in. Specialty certifications (such as Critical Care and Emergency Department) also have specific requirements for continuing education. Your facility is a great resource for finding out whether you have further requirements beyond what is required by the state nursing board.
Check out these resources for travel nurses to obtain CEUs.
Nurse CE 4 Less: Try a course for free, no credit card required. They also have an option for unlimited courses for $59. Click here.
Net CE: Find continuing education options by state. Click here.
Nurse.com: Fulfill license renewal requirements specific to your state and enhance your practice. Click here.
Elite Learning: Continuing education resources for more than just Registered Nurses. Other healthcare specialties will find a library of resources as well. Click here.
Nurse CEU: Registered Nurses (RN), Nurse Practitioners (NP), Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN), and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) can find the nursing CEU courses needed for their nursing license renewal. Click here.
CEU Fast: Meet your continuing education for Nurses requirements at home, work, or on the go. Completing your Nursing CEUs has never been easier. $39 gives you unlimited access to their courses for a year. Click here.
Pediatric Nursing Certification Board: Find free Continuing Education specific to pediatrics. Click here.
CEU Requirements by State
State | CEU Requirements |
ALABAMA | 24 contact hours every 2 years |
ALASKA | Every 2 years: 2 of the 3 are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment. |
ARIZONA | No CE required |
ARKANSAS | 15 contact hours every 2 years OR hold a current nationally recognized certification/re-certification OR complete one college credit hour course in nursing with a grade of 2.0 or above |
CALIFORNIA | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
COLORADO | No CE required |
CONNECTICUT | No CE required |
DC | 24 contact hours every 2 years |
DELAWARE | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
FLORIDA | 24 contact hours of every 2 years: including 2 hours for medical errors, 2 hours for FL Laws and Rules and 2 hours of human trafficking. 1 hour HIV/AIDS training (first renewal only.) 2 additional hours of domestic violence CE every third renewal for a total of 26 hours. |
GEORGIA | 30 contact hours every 2 years. Other options available. |
HAWAII | Every 2 years, 30 CEs. Other options available. See board website. |
IDAHO | 15 contact hours every 2 years |
ILLINOIS | 20 contact hours every 2 years |
INDIANA | No CE required |
IOWA | 36 contact hours every 3 years. |
KANSAS | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
KENTUCKY | 14 contact hours every year or other approved, equivalent activity. Required Course: Abusive Head Trauma: A New Name for Shaken Baby Syndrome |
LOUISIANA | A minimum of 30 board-approved contact hours of continuing education during the two-year licensure period; OR a minimum of 900 practice hours during the two-year licensure period as verified by the employer on a form provided by the board. |
MAINE | No CE required |
MARYLAND | No CE required |
MASSACHUSETTS | 15 contact hours every 2 years |
MICHIGAN | 25 contact hours every 2 years including 1 hour on pain and symptom management and 2 hours on human trafficking. |
MINNESOTA | 24 contact hours every 2 years |
MISSISSIPPI | A minimum of twenty (20) contact hours of accepted continuing education per renewed licensure period. |
MISSOURI | No CE required |
MONTANA | 24 contact hours every 2 years |
NEBRASKA | 20 contact hours every 2 years, plus 500 practice hours every 5 years |
NEVADA | 30 hours every two years. including the state-required bioterrorism course: Bioterrorism for Nevada Nurses |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
NEW JERSEY | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
NEW MEXICO | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
NEW YORK | 3 contact hours infection control every 4 years; 2 contact hours child abuse (one time requirement for initial license) and sexual harassment. |
NORTH CAROLINA | One of the following every two years: 15 contact hours and 640 hours of active practice, OR National certification or re-certification, OR 30 contact hours, OR completion of refresher course. |
NORTH DAKOTA | 12 contact hours every 2 years |
OHIO | 24 contact hours every 2 years |
OKLAHOMA | 24 contact hours every 2 years. More options available. |
OREGON | One-time requirement for 7 hours of pain management-related CE. |
PENNSYLVANIA | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
RHODE ISLAND | 10 contact hours every 2 years |
SOUTH CAROLINA | 30 contact hours every 2 years |
SOUTH DAKOTA | Continuing education units (CEUs) are not required for nursing licensure. South Dakota does have a minimum practice requirement: the nurse must provide verification of employment in nursing for a minimum of 140 hours in any 12-month period during the previous 6 years, or total accumulation of 480 hours during the previous 6 years. |
TENNESSEE | 5 contact hours every 2 years for practicing nurses. |
TEXAS | 20 contact hours every 2 years |
UTAH | One of the following every 2 years: 30 contact hours, OR 200 practice hours and 15 contact hours, OR 400 practice hours. |
VERMONT | No CE Required |
VIRGINIA | Multiple options available. Visit the Board of Nursing site for more information. |
WASHINGTON | A minimum of 8 hours yearly. |
WEST VIRGINIA | 12 contact hours every year |
WISCONSIN | CE not required |
WYOMING | If employed for at least 400 hours in the past 2 years you do not need to complete any additional CEUs (continuing education hours). If employed 200 hours in the past 2 years you will need to complete 15 CEUs (continuing education hours) . |